About the Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique has been taught around the world for over 100 years. It was developed in the 1890s by an Australian named Frederick Matthias Alexander (1869-1955) who, through experiencing persistent problems with his voice, was led to discover certain fundamental truths about human activity, co-ordination and movement. Read more about the origin of the Alexander Technique here.

The Alexander Technique is a method of re-education that teaches us to use our bodies to the best advantage in our everyday movements such as walking, sitting, standing and bending, as well as when performing more specific activities such as playing a musical instrument, taking part in sport, driving a car, using a computer or digging in the garden. 

We may not think too much about the tension that we accumulate throughout our lives until we become ill or in pain. Through awareness, time and application the Alexander Technique helps us to recognise and change the unhelpful ways in which we hold ourselves, move and think. We are then able to make the choice to move in an effortless and dynamic way that reduces the strain on our body and brings about a sense of freedom and poise that makes movement feel natural and easy.

Learning the Technique involves changing long-standing habits of tension and movement, and relies on your active participation. It can be practiced wherever you are and is suitable for people of all ages and levels of physical mobility.

To watch an excellent introductory video about the Alexander Technique click here

 “Through Alexander Technique lessons with Julia I have a new awareness of the unhelpful habits I had developed over the years. There is now a real sense of freedom and pleasure in my movement and I can continue running and dancing without the niggling injuries that have plagued me in the past.” Joanne, dance teacher and fell runner.

Having Lessons

The Alexander Technique is taught with a course of one-to-one lessons which are adapted to suit your individual needs. The teacher uses a combination of gentle hands-on guidance and verbal instruction, exploring simple everyday activities such as standing, sitting, walking and bending. Through observation you will begin to identify and prevent the patterns of tension that are interfering with your ease of movement. Part of the lesson usually involves lying down to allow maximum support and relief for the back.

As your experience and self-awareness improves you can change long-standing habits, bringing natural poise and awareness to anything you do.

The number of lessons you take will depend on your particular needs and goals. You are most welcome to come along for one lesson to find out more about how the Alexander Technique could help you.

Appointments and Fees 

45 minute lesson £50
60 minute lesson £60
90 minute lesson £90

I offer a 10% discount if 10 lessons are booked and paid for in advance.

Gift vouchers are also available.

Online lessons are available for people who already have some experience of the Alexander Technique - please see my 'news' page for details in my newsletter about it will work or call to discuss.

Cancellation policy: If you need to cancel your lesson, please give as much notice as possible to allow me to offer the slot to someone else, ideally more than 24 hours. I like to be flexible and understanding, though lessons cancelled at short notice may be subject to part-payment. Lessons missed with no prior notice will be charged at full price. 

I teach one to one lessons in the Alexander Technique in Chesham, Bucks, with pupils coming from South Bucks and neighbouring Hertfordshire and Berkshire.

"I had come to accept that I would get headaches on a weekly basis and that my neck and back would always ache. I sit at a desk for most of my working day and a car accident aggravated my back and neck pain. Just over 2 months after starting lessons with Julia I can barely remember the last time I had a headache and my neck and back are no longer knotted and achy. It’s not easy to understand quite how this technique works, but it absolutely does. Thank you so much Julia, I don’t just feel better, I feel taller too!" Jane, mortgage advisor.