About Julia

Whilst working as a massage practitioner for many years, I became increasingly aware of the recurring nature of my clients aches and strains. This led me to search for a way in which I could help people to prevent injuring themselves in the first place.

Then, some years ago, I developed a shoulder pain and so was able to experience first hand the difficulty in finding long term relief. When a friend suggested I try the Alexander Technique I was keen to give it a go. What followed was a huge shift in my understanding of  how  I was doing things and the influence this was having on the level of tension in my body and the resulting pain in my shoulder.   

After several lessons my shoulder pain had gone and I had a much clearer understanding of what had caused it and how to prevent it from recurring. But not only that, I was certain that the Alexander Technique was the thing that I had been looking for to help my massage clients with their injuries!

And so I subsequently enrolled at the Alexander Re-education Centre in Hurley, Berkshire, where I undertook the three year full-time training certified by the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT).

As the Alexander Technique is such a practical method, I am able to use it in everything I do from reading, washing up and using a computer to walking, driving, gardening as well as all the everyday things like brushing my teeth and speaking on the phone. My body holds less tension, my movements feel lighter and easier, and I feel calmer and better able to deal with whatever comes my way. I find it exciting that such change is possible and I am delighted to share this skill in my teaching.

"Julia is an inspirational and intuitive teacher. The effects of learning the Technique can be miraculous and I have experienced benefits such as clearer thinking, improved breathing, clearer eyesight, and generally a better flow to my life." Vicky.

Then along came Focusing!

I first encountered focusing through a friend (who is a focusing practitioner) when I noticed that she listened to me in a way that allowed all the various things I was feeling to have a place, for everything to be equally regarded as part of my whole experience, without judgement, advice or opinion. And there was an invitation to include bodily sensations and my ‘felt sense’ of things too, which was entirely new for me, but made perfect sense. It was wonderful and such a relief; it was simultaneously enlivening and calming at the same time, and was a profound revelation!

Following a deep sense of rightness, I explored further, eventually completing the practitioner training with Kay Hoffmann. I have also very much benefitted from study with Peter Gill, and enjoy sharing focusing in exchange groups and in everyday living.  

It has enabled a deep and compassionate connection with my inner world and a peace that comes from feeling fully heard. And it has been particularly valuable when dealing with challenging times or complex emotions that can feel confusing. It is my joy and privilege to now teach and share focusing as a BFA Certified Focusing Practitioner.

As an Alexander Technique teacher, I have found that learning focusing has enriched my teaching by bringing a deeper awareness of how ones inner world affects the bodily patterns of tension we develop; and it has given me the tools and language to communicate to the ‘whole being’ of a pupil. Whilst I offer Alexander Technique lessons and focusing sessions separately, they do naturally inform each other and I find the cross-over an exciting edge to explore within myself.